Saturday - Year 20'23 - Month July - Day 15th

Live & prosper in private!

VPNt - computers counting with it since AD2005

Highest trafic of data to squer meter. ;o)

(secret: 99% trafic of data alltime - our procesors working without protocols, which are working on the begin and end of VPNtunel only)

Redundancy of the IP address as Part of the Necessity of Communication.

The obligation to implement IP addresses, i.e. the singular identification of your computer on the network, had already been invented by the U.S. Army as the owner of the Internet. For the army, it was not enough that the computer was identified by the connection itself, which should have a unique IP address of the connection at both ends. The necessary actions of the secret services could be executed using a tree topology, and individual local computers would not be exploitable by hackers using those secret connections. Technology simply wants to monitor us more and more, and the security is crummy – and we don't even want better!... .A.


--- AD2021 - 20'23 (c) MICKEYsoftware (Best for best wishes!) ---
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Česká verze --- Inkscape logo file (*.svg)
Desktop picture UHD --- Desktop picture HD