Famous and popular series The Big Bang Theory that is beloved by everybody, witty and irresistible, shows reality of science i.e. of things we are interested in nowadays.
Not a crooked and fluffy reality - just the way we would like to be! It is the most famous computer-fake series (not fake based on chlamydia-way but completely
residual-processor-human point of view) - there was cooperation with secret service and interviews with certain people were recorded
(sometimes something was added) and cut using a program on a common current PC SpeechPeach@DABING (tm)(c)LP2000 MICKEYsoftware (kontakt
mm@mickey-software.cz). The picture was additionaly recorded with
OpenC@MrPrd (tm)(c)LP2015
MIXmedia system using my knowledge of the outer neuron network theory (mobiles).
This work inclines, not undeservedly, to the thesis it was sent from the future. Everything indicates that. It is the intention of the main customer - the famous mover
of Worlds without a smaller movement - of Medula, the Mermaid.
... wishing you a really peaceful life!